Here’s what a climate diplomat with only months to live has to say
The Financial Times has a story about Pete Betts, one of the world’s most experienced environmental negotiators, and some of the lessons he has learnt during the course of his career. Betts has been battling a malignant brain tumour and has been told the median life expectancy for someone in his position is 15 months.
Betts certainly has an impressive CV. According to his LinkedIn profile he has been a UK civil servant for over 35 years, including six years as lead negotiator for the EU in UN climate negotiations (including at COP21 which produced the Paris Agreement), and stints as an advisor to the UK Cabinet Office on COP26, the World Bank and the International Energy Agency.
Here are some of the lessons he shared:
He points out that since the Paris Agreement the COP decisions that really count are the nationally determined contributions (essentially their plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions) and that those pledges should more heavily scrutinised, rather than the text agreed at the COP
He believes his generation failed that of Greta Thunberg’s, but also warns the actions of groups like Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil could undermine the cause
Achieving the 1.5 degree goal is going to be very difficult but shouldn’t be abandoned, even if temperatures do go over that threshold - as he says “the real point of 1.5C has always been that we must go hell for leather for action rather than a steady-as-she-goes approach”
China is given a gentle ride by climate campaigners. He points out that China is now the largest greenhouse gas emitter so without action from them significant progress is impossible. He adds that developing countries need to be provided with financial aid by developed countries to transition to renewable energy, noting it is cheaper over its lifetime than fossil fuels but upfront capital costs are higher
Betts is currently writing a book detailing his views on climate issues, and given his expertise in the area it can’t come soon enough.