Here’s a few ideas for swaps you can make in your skincare routine to get rid of some of the plastic and chemical nasties that you might not realise you have in there.
The aerosol and underarm deodorants you find in the supermarket create a lot of waste and contain chemicals that could potentially be harmful. Although they take a little bit of a leap of faith, natural deodorants do work so give one a try.
Cloths and rounds
Disposable wipes and cotton pads are thrown away after one use. Instead, look out for reusable make up and nail varnish removal pads (you just save them up and put them through the washing machine) and other reusable flannels and wipes you can use in your daily routine.
Shaving razors and soap
Disposable razors are a huge source of landfill waste, and the aerosolised cans of shaving cream are too. Metal razors with replaceable blades will last a long time (get yourself a blade bank to store used blades until its time to recycle them) and you can also give shaving soap a try to avoid the cans of shaving cream.