Sustainable haircare
Note: This article is not the final word on this topic. We’ll keep updating this page as we come across more information. Links to specific products are not provided at present, but we will revisit this in future when we are in a position to make recommendations. There are a number of haircare products on the market that are labelled as sustainable, but we want to spend some time understanding their claims before featuring them on this site.
Here’s a few ideas for swaps you can make in your haircare routine to get rid of some of the plastic and chemical nasties that you might not realise you have in there.
Shampoo and conditioner
Standard shampoo and conditioner can be full of chemicals (which, once they have been on your body, then end up going down the drain) and comes in a single-use plastic bottle. Plant-based body wash can be purchased in refillable containers, or you can skip the bottle entirely and get shampoo and conditioner bars (just grab a wooden soap dish or a natural soap rest to go with it).
Brushes and combs
A lot of brushes and combs are made of plastic, so ultimately they end up in landfill and take centuries to break down. Look out for brushes and combs made of wood and other natural materials, they may be able to be composted but should last a long time.